
Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I have had an extended weekend off from working out but not from working.  Work was hard this weekend.  12 hour shifts, non-stop on my feet.  And its not only physically but also emotionally draining.  I still feel like I'm not quite in a routine and a bit slow with everything but I feel like its getting much better.  I also work with some really great people and that makes it easier.  But I'm still wiped out after 3 days of work.  I guess I'll probably get used to it eventually.

After my busy work week(end) I was feeling especially run down.  The baby had the sniffles last week and Jon said he was congested and had a sore throat last week.  So I wasn't surprised when I finished off the weekend with a sore throat and stuffy nose.  I took it as a sign that I needed a full day off to rest. I have either worked or been to the gym or run every day for close to 3 weeks. So I didn't spin Monday and I didn't go to track Tuesday.  I am feeling better though, so I guess it was a good call to take the day off. 

Monday was a pretty important holiday around here- the biggest girl turned 7!!  Oh, yeah- it was 4th of July, too.  We had a bbq at a friends house.  It was low key and pretty quiet but wonderful.  The girls had a blast playing and swimming and then went out on a boat to watch fireworks. 

I made it to pump Tuesday but I can't seem to drag myself out of bed early to run.  I wish I could- this morning I was up with plenty of time and the baby was still sleeping but nope, can't seem to do it!  I will go to spin today and maybe get a short run in on the treadmill today afterwards, but I really need to get some longer outside runs in and thats only going to happen if I get up at 6 to run.  I wish I had a running partner.  I like to run solo but its nice when you know there is someone counting on you to be somewhere.  I might not get up for myself at 6am but I will always get up if there is someone else counting on me to! 

I did manage to drop down by almost 4 lbs in the past week.  See, thats how I do it.  I will stay the same for a week or 2 and then boom 3 lbs or so.  It's nice to see the loss on the scale- it keeps me motivated.  I still don't have clothes that fit but I'm getting there.  6 lbs to my next goal.  That's a visit to the MAC counter for those of you keeping track.  YIPPPEEE!!! 

Now to figure out how to get motivated to go for those early morning runs!!  Anyone have any tips??

1 comment:

ImTheMarigold said...

Congrats on the 4 lbs and for taking a rest day. I don't think many of us really listen to our bodies and rest when it is really needed. I'm struggling with morning runs as well, so I'm looking forward to the advice other people might have. One thing I've been told is to sleep in your running clothes so you are already dressed when the alarm goes off. If you haven't already, don't forget to enter my giveaway, it ends tomorrow! :)