
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A long way to go to get back to where I was...

Haven't really done much with this blogging thing because I'm not exactly sure what to do.  The blogs I read are so witty and entertaining and I'm so not...but I want to keep up with it.  So I'm going to try. 

Got back on sparkpeople and started tracking calories. Its so much work but I lost 4 lbs that week.  I was also starving the entire week and I think I may have been restricting too much.  I ate more the next week and didn't really lose much.  That's frustrating.  I feel like if I am starving then I am risking my milk supply so I decided to try to make good food decisions but I just can't do the daily tracking.  It makes me obsessive.  I may have slower weight loss but at least I will be able to feed my baby.  Total weight gain with pregnancy was 61 lbs and I've lost 23 as of this morning.  Still a long way to go to get back to where I was.   Still not fitting in my clothes.  I've bought a few things but don't want to buy a lot because I am not planning on staying here. 

Started running again.  I've been doing 2-3 miles about 3-4x/week.  I have a loop around the neighborhood that is a 5k distance.  My first time running it (more of a jog/walk) was 42:30.  O.M.G. sllllloooooowwww.  I have my time down to under 39 min. now.  (before pregnancy I was doing about 27min 5k's) But in just 2 weeks I've cut time off, I'm walking less and recovering faster.  Still a long way to go to get back to where I was but seeing a little progress. 

Where I was!
Me at St. Anthony's Olympic Tri last year. time 3:10:48
Want to get into the gym- my goal is to do a class m-th at the gym.  they have a spin class mon/wed and body pump tue/thurs.  I'd like to do a swim 2 of those days and I will have to run early in the morning.  WOW- sounds like a lot.  Unfortunately, because of my work schedule I have to pack a weeks worth of workouts into 4 days.  I know it will take me a while to build up to this but it's a goal!  Of course, I need to decide when I want to start taking the baby to the gym.  He will be 10 wks old this week and they start taking babies at 6 wks. but that seems so little!  Maybe I'll try just 2 days next week. 

Guess if I had any followers I could ask what age you would start taking a baby to the gym? I suppose I should let some people know how to find my blog so that maybe people could follow me!

1 comment:

dwana said...

Well I for one will enjoy keep track of your success! It won't take you long to be running circles around me again.... What 2 races are you planning to do?