
Monday, June 13, 2011

I survived

I survived my first weekend at work.  I was worried about leaving baby but shouldn't have been.  Daddy is a pro and does a fantastic job.  Work on the other hand was hard.  12 hours is a long time to be on your feet.  We had one slow-ish day and one really busy day.  Its definitely going to take some time before I feel like I am back up to speed.  And definitely going to take some time before I get used to not having a weekend.  In fact, I might never get used to that. 

I ran Friday night.  3.2 miles 37:40 taking time off but still slow.  The good news is that I stopped to walk exactly 1/10 of a mile and thats it.  Hopefully next time I can not stop at all.  Trying to decide if I should take baby to the gym this week or next.  I'd like to start doing a class at lunchtime mon-thurs but not sure we are ready for gym daycare yet. 

I also put in requests for time off to do the 2 races I want to do and they were approved.  sprint tri at end of august and 1/2 marathon in December.  I don't know if I will be able to do the tri because I won't have time to actually get on a real bike until probably August.  But my time off requests were approved. Not sure exactly how to fit in training for it.  This time last year, I would have said.  'Eh- its only a sprint, I don't need to train' But now I feel like I need the training.  I at least need to get on the bike so I can remember how to clip in and out.  And I really will need to do a couple of bricks.  and get in a few swims.  

Really, I have no idea how to fit in training AND working AND kids.  Guess thats part of why I'm doing this blog.  Trying to sort it all out.  So my goal this week: 

-run at least 2x
-gym (pump and/or spin) at least 2x
-pushups (I'm doing the 100 pushups program) 2-3x/week

And speaking of goals.  I broke my weight loss goals up into 10 lb increments.  I am less than 3 lbs away from my 1st 10 lbs goal as of this morning.  Hopefully will hit it this week or next and then I will get a reward!!

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