This is so much harder than I thought. I've felt like a complete failure the past few days. I just worked 5 days in a row (and we were slammed busy for most of them) the baby had to get formula for the first time because I didn't have enough pumped milk (this one was especially devastating for me) and on top of that he was up every 2 hours at night to eat. So I worked 12 hour days (which are really more like 13-14 hr days) and I got very broken sleep all night. I'm exhausted. And I haven't lost ANY weight in a week or 2. And last week I was so, so, so good about getting to the gym. This week I haven't been at all. Today was my first day off and in addition to being exhausted from working, I also have mountains of laundry to catch up on. Plus, I've been feeding the baby non-stop all day.
Doubt I'll make it to the gym tomorrow. and then Friday I'm back to work.
Right now I just feel like its all pointless. I don't feel like I'll ever be able to run again. I feel like doing another tri is never going to happen. I feel like I'm going to be fat forever.
earlier I saw an ad for red velvet cake ice cream and all I want to do is curl up with that ice cream and a spoon and a crappy movie.
I can see you are frustrated. I just want you to know that you inspired me to start running. A few weeks ago, I was winded within 5 minutes. Today, I ran for a little over 30 minutes. Five shifts is a lot and anyone would be tired. Let me know when you want to work again. I love you, my friend! Hang in there.
Wow! I was exhausted just reading everything you did. You will have good weeks and bad, The bad ones make the good ones that much better. The wash can wait (just turn the undies inside out) catch up on your rest. You WILL run again! You WILL Tri again! You will kick my butt as always!! The kids will be at the finish line cheering you on. Love Ya... hang tough!!
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