
Thursday, June 23, 2011

weekly wrap-up

weekly wrap-up???  But its only Thursday you say.  Yes, but its my Sunday.  This is my first week of being a full time worker.  From this week on, for at least 6 months, I will be working every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  With just a few exceptions.  (holidays, race days I've requested off and at least one day they asked me to trade due to staffing issues) This is a sucky schedule but this way we only have to use a sitter one day a week.  So that leads me to doing a recap of my week on Thursday nights. 

Shall we begin:

The good:

 ~still trying to figure out how to fit everything in.  Last week I did the gym 4 times but wasn't able to get a run in.  This week I made it, mostly, to all the classes.  I made it through 2 spin classes and 1 pump class and then 30 minutes of pump today before getting called out for a crying baby.  I also added in track workout on Tuesday.  So thats a step up from last week.

~Officially down 10 lbs since I started actually 'trying' to lose baby weight.  It's been just over a month.  Thats a grand total of 26lbs since delivery with 35 still to go but I'm getting close to the halfway mark. And this week I have met one of my 'goals'.  I'll do a post next week about my goals and rewards.   

The bad:

okay not exactly bad but here's what I could do better.  Or what I will shoot for for next week. 
   -spin 2x
   -pump 2x
   -run 2x (track once and a longer run once)
   -get in the pool at least once (as in get in and swim, not get in on a floaty with a margarita)

~I also need to have an alternate workout ready for home for days that I can't do pump.  I meant to come home and do some weights but after about 20 bicep curls I got bored and ended up eating lunch and taking a nap with the baby.  It was a great nap and totally worth it!

~ I really wish I had a way to get on the bike.  I can swim and spin at the gym while baby is in daycare but actual riding (clipping in and out, specifically!) is what I need.  If I can't figure out how to get time on the bike, there is no way I will be ready to race in August.  And if I can't then so be it....but I haven't given up yet. Anyone have a trainer they aren't using! LOL!

The Ugly:

~Bought a swimsuit today.  Got it at Ross super cheap.  Didn't want to spend a ton since I hopefully won't be in it very long.    Its a speedo and should be fine for swimming laps. Now I guess I have no more excuses.  Time to get back to the pool.

In other news....

Tomorrow is baby bear's 1st day with the sitter since its my 1st Friday back.  I know he will do fine.  Hopefully I will.  3 days in a row. UGH! Have I mentioned how I hate 12 hr. shifts.   Hope its not too crazy. 


Sunday is the True Blood season premiere!!  woooo-hooo  been waiting FOREVER!!  We're making really yummy tasting but horrible for you food (corn fritters, brie and crackers, doughnuts)  Might not be good for meeting the next weight loss goal but its yummy and fun!

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