
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Weekly wrap up

Yep. Time again for weekly wrap up.  Seems like the past 4 days just flew by. 


-slept through track- whoops.  I was really, really, really wiped out from my first (of many) stint of 3 days in a row.  And the baby hasn't been sleeping great this week.  I know, excuses, excuses.  The fact is I skipped track.  damn.

-missed Tuesday pump.  This isn't my fault.  I actually did go.  I ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill and then went in to pump but the instructor never showed up.  See, not my fault! They did get someone to fill in but at that point class was already 15 min late and I went to check on baby and he was wide awake so I opted to leave. 

-No run today.  I was actually awake at 4 (with baby) and opted to go back to bed with him rather than run.  I don't regret this decision, I haven't slept a ton this week and my legs are sore (you'll see why when you read my weekly wins!)

-No real weight loss this week.  BOOOOO!!!  And the first person to tell me its because I'm gaining muscle gets poked with a sharp stick!  Looks like it might be a while before I get to goal #2.  I don't really gain or lose very easily and I'm guessing what will happen is that I will all of a sudden drop down by like 4-5 lbs.  Hope it happens soon.


-I missed pump on Tuesday.  yep, it was a fail but also a win because since I missed it I went to the gym later on that day and hit a bootcamp class that was really hard but VERY good.  Kinda reminded me a little of the Insanity workouts.  hope to make it back to that class again- I am really sore from it though. 

-I made it to my other classes (spin and pump) and feel like I'm getting a bit stronger.  Both physically and with my cardiovascular endurance.  Didn't have to get called out for baby at all this week. 

-Got my hair cut and colored last night.  My first reward. I like the cut a lot.  I'm still a little unsure on the color.  It took a long time.  I had a LOT of hair.  I left it long but he cut some long layers and took a lot of the bulk out.  I feel like I have no hair now.  It was really pretty unruly and when he was done with my color and cut he took an hour to blow it out.  EEK!  It looked fantastic, too bad I was only going home to feed a baby and watch the finale of The Voice.  Wish I could make it look like that on my own.  But I just don't have that kind of talent or time. 

As an extra special perk of the week, I got to workout for the first time in forever with my wonderful friend, Kristin.  Then we went and met the fabulous Angie for lunch at the local raw food restaurant.  It was super yummy.  I had lasagna and then for dessert we had smores and banana almond fudge ice cream.  All raw and vegan.  They served wine and that really would have made it a perfect meal but I didn't want to rub it in Angie's face that she had to go back to work! well, that and I'm not sure exactly what constitutes a 'raw' wine.  or maybe the wine isn't raw.  I don't know.  It was tasty food with 2 of my favorite peeps, so its the biggest win of the week!

 I guess I should start taking pictures of fun stuff that I do to put on here, huh??


Body Pump 1x
Bootcamp   1x
Spin            2x
Run             2.5 miles

weight loss:
weekly- 0
total-    27lbs.

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