
Monday, April 25, 2011

Hello Bloggy World!!!

I don't exactly have a ton of free time.  Well, right now I kind of do.  Since I am currently on maternity leave and my only real obligation is to feed and diaper a newborn.  And of course the 2 older kids need to be taken care of, but they are at school all day until summer.  So mostly its just me and the little guy. 

Soon enough my life will be back to chaos.  3 kids, full time job, husband, house, laundry....and of course, on top of all that I am planning to train for 2 races this year.   I don't consider myself an athlete. I just like to try new things.   In 2009 I decided to train for a triathlon- just a sprint, I didn't know how to swim and I didn't own a bike.  By the time race day arrived I not only had a bike and could swim, I also had a coach and a team and had signed up for another race!!  I wasn't the fastest out there but I had so much fun.  Over the next year I completed 4 or 5 sprint triathlons, 1 olympic tri, 2- 1/2 marathons and a relay run across the state of Florida. I also managed to get almost to my pre-pregnancy weight.  I was thinking about training for a 1/2 ironman and I broke my toe.   Then I went on vacation. Then I got pregnant.  My plans changed. 

I swore I wasn't going to gain a lot this pregnancy but much like the previous pregnancies I did.  61 lbs. to be exact.  I swore I was going to be active the whole time.  I ran through about 17wks and I did spin through about 20 wks.  I'm just a lazy pregnant person!

So here I am.  50 lbs to lose.  Haven't run a step in 7 months.  3 week old baby. 

So why blog??  I love to read other peoples blogs.  Especially other moms who are trying to fit in way too much.  It makes me feel not so alone.  It also holds you accountable and who knows maybe I'll inspire someone to do something outside their comfort zone.

I don't know how well training will go.  I don't know how I'm going to do parenting 3 children and I don't know how good I will be at updating a blog BUT I am going to do what I can and hope for the best.  And when my best isn't good enough there's always wine!!

Welcome to my world!

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