
Monday, June 27, 2011

back to the grind

I'm officially back to working full time!  Working all weekend kicked my ass. 

here's my schedule for the past 3 days:

4:45am- get up, feed baby, pump, shower, get ready for work, pack lunch, pack pump
6:00am- leave for work
645a-7ishpm- run my butt off (not literally-unfortunately) at work
730-8ish- drive home
8ish-9:30-eat dinner while feeding baby, talk to hubby and girls
930-10- bed
wake up (partially) multiple times through night to feed baby.
4:45am- cock a doodle doo- there goes the alarm.  (seriously- my alarm is a rooster, its REALLY annoying but I do jump right up when I hear it)

last night I stayed up later because it was true blood and so we had to watch that!!

My legs have been really sore after working but yesterday they weren't as bad.  I bought new shoes (skechers shape-ups) for work, not for the shape up part but just because I have heard good things about them from other nurses.  I think they are getting better its just that 12 hours on your feet is hard no matter what shoes you wear.

I made it to spin class today.  But other than that its been a lazy day.  woke up at 5 but went back to bed, slept late, spin class, lunch, nap with baby.  I think its time for a glass of wine. 

should be doing laundry and cleaning the house. But I'm not. baby is in constant feeding mode so we have been hanging out and napping on and off. 

plan for the week:  same as last week but run 2x instead of 1.  gotta, gotta get up early Thursday and do 3 miles.  so that is spin 2x, pump 2x, run 2x.  I can totally do it.

1 comment:

Elle Ross said...

Whoa, you deserve that glass on vino, girl!