
Thursday, August 25, 2011

so you want to be a runner??

I was always jealous of the runners.  I wanted to be one but felt like I couldn't do it for whatever lame ass excuse I could come up with at the time. (I get too bored, I get out of breath too easily, I'm too slow, I have to walk too much, it's so hot, my knees/shins/feet hurt) Then I decided to be a runner.  and I was. That easy.  Here's my advice to those of you (I know you're out there!) who want to be runners.

1) Big secret....we all hate to run.  Sure, there are a few freaks of nature out there who really just love it but most people don't love it ALL the time.  I love how I feel after. I love how I feel when I have a great run or a great time.  I love when I'm feeling frustrated/angry/upset and can work it all out on a run.  But most of the time I don't want to start.  The first 1/2-1 mile is almost always hard and sometimes I am bitching to myself the whole, damn way.  But then I finish and think wow, that was great.  You just need to suck it up and do it and stop the excuses. 

2) Buy good shoes.  Really.  Go to a running store and get fitted.  plan to spend about $80-$100.  If you want to run you need running shoes.  This is not a place to be cheap.  Especially if you have issues (shin splints, plantar fascitis, etc) but really, even without issues you need good running shoes.

   I also think that a watch and comfortable running clothes are pretty important.  I'm not talking about spending a ton of money.  Just a cheapo stopwatch to help you keep track of your times and some clothes that don't ride up, fall down or make you chafe and a good supportive sports bra if you need it!! You can get all of that at Target for not very much money.
3) Just because a certain program doesn't work for you doesn't mean you aren't a runner.  I'll admit it.  I HATED couch to 5k.  I couldn't tell you why, I didn't even really do it.  I just read it and it seemed like SO much work to me.  Here's my running plan:

     -get good shoes
     -map out a certain distance in my neighborhood (1mile, 2miles, 3miles, etc)
     -go run it
     -try to get faster/go further every time

for real.  thats where I am at right now.  Now, I have had a more formalized running program but that was with a group and I didn't really have to think about it.  Thats what I love most about running.  I don't have to think- or I guess more specifically I can let my thoughts go anywhere and not really focus on what I am doing.  A lot of people love, love, love c25k.  More power to them if that is what works.  But keep in mind there is also Galloway program, running programs on runners world and lots of other places.  One of my favorite running books (another mother runner) is coming out with a book of training plans next spring.  Basically, what I'm saying is if one thing doesn't work for you try something else. 

4) Find friends.  There are lots of places to find people to run with.  A training club, a meet-up group.  Its scary, I know it is.  I'm a pretty social person and even I find it scary to join a brand new group but it will be the best thing you can do.  I promise.  You will find friends and you will get better and get faster.  There is so much to say about joining a training group that I will have to make it a whole post on its own.  But for now I will say that groups are the same as training plans...if one doesn't work out for you just try another!

5) Sign up for a race.  Signing up for races is what keeps me motivated even when I don't want to train.  Its what pushes me to go out to that workout when I'm tired and just don't feel like it.  Plus, race day is just plain fun.  You get a t-shirt, sometimes a medal there's always food at the end and a lot of times there's beer!  You feel super accomplished because you set a goal and you stuck to it.  And if you don't enjoy race day and you still think running sucks then you can say hey, I did this and it wasn't for me. 

Ultimately, you have to like it enough to invest the work.  Its one thing to say you want to do it but if you want to be a runner you have to make time to run.  Trust me, I know how hard it is to find the time but if you really want to run you will make time.  You have to know that every run isn't going to be awesome but you need both the good runs AND the sucky runs in order to get better.  Getting past the sucky runs is what makes the good runs so good. 

Now go get some shoes and sign up for a race!! 

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