
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Every run is a PR....

when you suck!!

 j/k but that really is a good thing about starting over.  Last year when I was running a lot it seemed like every race I was shaving minutes off of my times.  I knew it wouldn't last forever, that eventually I would get to a point that I couldn't take that much time off.  But now I am slow again and most nights when I go out I'm running faster.   I have a loop thats about 3.22-3.24 miles.  I ran it 2 weeks ago in 36min then last week 35m and this week 34.  Closing in on that 30 min mark.  I really need to start increasing my mileage, though.  I've been sticking between 2 to just over 3 miles.  I think I am ready for 4, but it will be slow! 

This weeks total mileage is at about 7 1/2.  I'd like to get to 8-9 next week and be in double digits before October.

So far I've lost almost 40 lbs.  Pretty awesome.  I kind of thought from the beginning that I would lose the first 30 or so pretty easily.  I'm happy it worked out that way.  I really haven't dieted at all.  I kind of watch what I eat.  I have a diet heavy in fruits and veggies and whole grains.  I don't eat a lot of fried foods or high fat foods.  I try not to eat too much dairy (only because it doesn't agree with Mr Baby)  I do still like sweets but I am not eating them like I was before. Mostly I run and go to the gym (spin/body pump).  I am keeping my calories up because 1) breastfeeding 2) metabolism.  Anyone can lose weight if you drastically cut calories.   I like to keep my calories up and increase my workouts and boost my metabolism.  It worked before and I'm hoping it works again.  I like to eat!! 

I didn't do so hot at the gym this week.  Didn't make it to pump.  I had one good spin class and one crappy one.  I ran 3x.  After this week I will really be boosting up my running in preparation for OUC 1/2.  I will definitely have to adjust my training schedule.  I am hoping to continue to get at least 1 day of weights.  I think in addition I would like to only spin 1-2 days and add a yoga day. 

Goal: 3-4 days running
          1-2 spin classes
          1 yoga class
          1- body pump 

That is my fall training plan.  I'm giving up on swimming until spring!  I'm hoping to lose the last 20lbs by December.  That's 3 months.  Think I can do it??? I'll keep you posted!

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