
Thursday, August 4, 2011

narrow bridge

I saw this quote the other day and loved it:

"Being pregnant and giving birth are like crossing a narrow bridge. People can accompany you to the bridge. They can greet you on the other side. But you walk that bridge alone.” African Proverb

I have often said something like that about birth and thoughts like this (but with many 4-letter words)went through my head during my last birth. No matter what the circumstances are or how many wonderful people you have there to support you the fact is no one can do it for you.  The work of birth is the work of the woman.  You own it. 

You can apply this to training and racing, too.  I felt that way when I did St. Anthony's.  On the swim the water was so rough and I am not a super strong swimmer. I really thought I was going to die.  But then I thought "there is no one who is going to notice if one little pink cap goes under the water and doesn't come back up. YOU HAVE TO DO THIS!"  I mentally cursed everyone I could think of who could be responsible for me being in this predicament (mostly my coach but also my husband and friends for telling me I would be fine, of course, we all know it was my idea) but I mentally picked myself up and swam to the end.  I swore that as soon as I got out of the water I was handing in my chip and quitting.  But I didn't. I got out of the water and ran to my bike and I finished the race. 

It really helps to have friends to train with and people who can support and encourage you but in the end its you who has to get up early and do the workout.  Its you who has to give up something to be able to fit in training time.  Its you who has to not eat the cake to lose the weight. (who am I kidding I always eat the cake!)  At times, I wonder if I could do more.  If I could fit in another workout.  If I could make those morning workouts work.   I have wonderful people who support me but they can't do the work for me. Right now I'm just on that bridge trying to get over it the best I can. 

I'll do a weekly wrap up post later after I get today's workouts in. 

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