
Thursday, November 3, 2011

I've been bad....

really, I have.  I've been a bad blogger.  I've been a bad runner.  I've been bad at a lot of things. 

The past 2 weeks have been overwhelming,  to say the least.  Some of the highlights:

- transmission went on my van. (this is a long saga that involved a lot of money and also included a flat tire and a longish road trip with screaming children)
- baby's first ear illness (okay so it was just an ear infection no big thing but still....)
- cell phone broke (still in the process of sorting that one out)
- busy at work. extra shifts. (and lots of frustration there) 

All of those things combined to make for a very busy, very frustrating and very UNMOTIVATED week (or 2)

Through the whole car fiasco I managed to (kinda) keep from freaking out and although I didn't really make it to the gym I still got my runs in.  But last week with the sick baby, working overtime and I think the stress of the previous week catching up to me I only ran twice.

This week.  nothing. nada. big fat goose egg.  I worked an extra 5 or 6 hours on Tuesday, plus monday was halloween.  but dammit- I don't feel like running.  or spinning. or anything.  The baby is better but he is all over the place and is non stop all day.  I can barely get the house picked up and get a load of laundry thrown in.

 People ask me how I manage to get time to workout and run as much as I do and my answer is usually that my house is a mess. Then I laugh, ha ha ha...but really it is.  But mostly its because I make it a priority- of course the kids are the number one and work number 2  but getting to the gym or running is like number 3 or 4.   But the past 2 weeks it got bumped way, way, way down on the list.  I know that its normal for that to happen.  I know things are going to come up but it still makes me feel like a failure.   

In an effort to turn things around, I got new running shoes yesterday. It will be my first time running in a neutral shoe instead of a stability shoe.  This week is pretty much shot since tomorrow is back to work again but I'm going to try to do a short run today sometime and <barring any more catastrophes> hop back on the wagon next week. 

1 month until my come back race!!! 

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