
Thursday, October 13, 2011

my schedule has left the building

Sometimes its just hard to keep to a schedule no matter how hard you try. 

The past 2 weeks I was pretty on it as far as my workouts go.  I had a 15 mile week and then a 16 mile week. Plus spin classes and yoga.  I even managed to get caught up on laundry and kinda straighten up the house. kinda.

This week....not so much.  Mondays are hard because I am coming off a stretch of 3 12 hour shifts.  My nurse friends all know that 3 12's in a row is rough.  Especially if you have 3 busy shifts.  I just wasn't feeling it on Monday.  I did get up and go to spin but I didn't run.  I got up and did track on Tuesday and had a good morning.  Ran with a friend who is faster and I was trying to keep up (I did a pretty good job of it until the end!) then I got a call from work asking for help so I went in and worked 10-7.  No yoga.  Yesterday I was trying to catch up on housework and didn't go to spin.  I managed to get in a quick run last night.  It was pretty awesome.  I only did 3.2 but I felt fast and it felt pretty easy.  I didn't wear my Garmin (might be why it felt so fast) so we will never know but I'm just gonna say it was a PR! 

That brings us to today.  I picked up extra time at work but I'm 'on-call' so I am still at home but have to be ready to go in.   I have a sick 7 year old at home plus the baby.  (Hubby stayed home in case I get called in) I think I should be able to get a long run in this evening but still- thats at least 3 missed workouts this week.  not good. 

There is a bright side.  My 3 miles last night felt really easy.  Amazing how the shorter distances are cake once you start doing longer distances.  And even though it hasn't been going the way I want it to I've still gotten workouts in.  If I can get a longish run in today then my mileage isn't totally shot for the week. 

Next week will be better.  I hope. 

Anyone else having trouble saying no to Halloween candy??  Those mini snickers are really getting me.  No wonder I haven't lost any weight in 3 weeks! 

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