Anybody who knows me even a little bit knows that I am not the most organized person. okay, not even a little organized. Yeah, I'm a hot mess. I actually have know idea how I function most days. I sometimes make lists but I don't usually follow them. I don't really have a system for anything and I pretty much exist in chaos. Well, maybe not chaos but close.
I know it really doesn't fit the normal type A nurse type personality but I manage to get by. I am fairly good in a crisis and things that would upset most people don't really bother me too much. I would like to be more organized and in my professional life its something I work very hard to try to do.
But where does this fit in with my race and training??
Last week I got my training log for the race and rather than being excited and eager to start, I FREAKED out and slept in. The race is a 1/2 Iron (in case you missed that) and if you don't know what a 1/2 iron is let me educate you: 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run. You can't do a race like this without training. You can't train for a race like this without a plan and you can't plan to train for a race like this without some kind of organization. You see my problem?? But you have a training log, you say. It's all spelled out for you. What happens when your life doesn't fit in the training log? I work 3- 12 hour shifts a week. I have 3 kids who are in activities and a husband who likes to spend time with me (so he says!) I can't possibly workout on work days and that means I have to squeeze all of the training into the other 4 days.
Over training leads to injury. Under training leads to, ummmmm.....sucking at the race. It's a fine line to figure out how to make it happen. Enter Coach Sway!! After an hour or so of sitting down with my calendars she tweaked everything for me and made it work for my schedule. It's still crazy. It's still a lot. But its all on my schedule and I am feeling motivated.
This week is the way a first week should be. Eager, motivated, excited!!! I'm just going to forget that last week happened.
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